Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My hope is in His Word - Psalm 128-130

Psalm 130:5 - "I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, and in His word I do hope."

That is perhaps the best summary verse for God's Word. You and I have nothing in our lives that we can trust or be assured of more than God's Word. We can't trust ourselves as we continually fail and fall. We certainly can't trust in the word of our friends, who, although want to be faithful, don't or can't. We certainly can't trust in the world's system as it is both controlled and directed by evil. But, to wait for God to act, to trust in His Word to come to furition is certainly something to rejoice over and to have great "hope" in. He goes on to say that he hopes in the Lord more than the "watchmen who hopes for morning." Nothing is more sure for the night watchmen than the sun will come up and he will be relieved of his duty for some much deserved and needed rest. So too those who hope in the fulfillment of God's Word. He cannot and will not deny His Word. He is faithful to fulfill ever nuance of it. Wait for the Lord - wait for His Word to come to pass.

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