Thursday, November 10, 2011

Who can tell what's ahead (or, behind) - Ecclesiastes 5-6

Eccl. 6:12 - For who knows what is good for amn during his lifetime, during the few years of his futile life? He will spend them like a shadow. For who can tell a man what will be after him under the sun?

We spend a lot of time in this life, planning. We plan our days, weeks and months. We plan our weekends. We plan our vacations that are meant to get us away from planning. We plan our retirements. We even plan our funerals. We want them to go exactly as we would have liked had we been there. We even plan where we will be laid to rest. Solomon, the preacher of this text, tells just how futile that planning is. Our lives are but vapor and we plan them as though they are stone. We plan like we are statues but God allows life to force us to be dancers. But, perhaps the most foolish thing we do is plan for the future. Yet, only God knows the future. The only plan we should make for the future is where we will spend enternity after our futile lives are over. We must relax in God's plan for that. The question asked in this verse of Ecclesiates is answered by God. He can tell us what will be after us. We must trust His plans for this life and the life after that. Man spends much time plannning this life when he should realize God is the conductor. Man spends little time planning for the next life when he should realize God is the judger.

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