Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Can we change a culture bent on sinning? 2 Chronicles 33-35

If you have ever been in a sinful environment and wondered where God was and how to turn the environment around, this section is the formula. We have in these three chapters both the formula for how to turn a culture onto sinning and how to turn it back to God. It is obvious even to the casual reader that God is angered by those who reject His Word and His Ordinances. We cannot reject Him and continue on a path of ease - chapter 33. However, if we repent after hearing God's Word and we begin to obey it we can see God's hand of mercy and grace in our lives (chapter 33b-35). The theme of these chapters is the obedience and/or disobedience to God's Word. It is hard to imagine how simply this is, but peace and safety are found in our response to God's Word. Those who obey it are blessed - those who don't are cursed. Too simple? Read the chapters again and you will see that is God's formula for success - Joshua 1:8,9

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Standing Tall In A Slouching World - Psalms 24-26

Psalms 24:3-6 (ESV) Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart...