Monday, November 7, 2011

God's Word is our Guide in every age - Deuteronomy 10-12

Moses is still in the process of telling the "new" generation (those who were under 21 years of age when those over 21 began to die in the wilderness) about the Glory of God and the blessings of God.   In this section the theme of that "exposition" is their relationship with God's Word.   God has established His Word for them and they are to obey it ... every aspect of it ... and will thereby receive a blessing for that obedience.  We may think this is true only in Old Testament times.   However, obeying God's Word is true in ever generation or dispensation.   God is working with His people (those who express faith in Him) through His Word.  Obeying it is never optional.  We tend to want to obey it on Sunday and to use the Word for our salvation.  However, when we are in Monday - Saturday circumstance we don't look to the Word for guidance.   When we are in the sanctification process we tend to read the latest literature before we read God's Litany.   Let us realize the power and reality of His Word in our lives.   It is by keeping this word that we walk with Him.  It is by ignoring it that we fail to fellowship properly with Him.

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