Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Power of Christ to change a life - Acts 9-10

Sometimes it is difficult to single out a simply message for a brief blog over such a pregnant passage. In Acts 9-10 there is much to explore ... many roads to travel. But, in the frist few verses we should be awe-struck by what happens to Saul (soon to be named, "Paul"). Here we have a man who was a witiness and a particpant to the stoning of Stephen just a couple of chapters earlier (7:58). Saul was on a personal and national and religious mission to destroy and martyr the believers throughout the land. He was anxious to rid the earth of those who believed in Jesus. He would not only not be welcome in our churches today but would be feared. Yet, despite the gravity of his sin and the depth of his violence, God did a great work in his life through the power of Jesus' name, life, death and words. Saul was changed to Paul through the blood of Jesus. We see that same thing happen in chapter ten when Peter goes to a Gentiles house and the gospel and power of Jesus is now moved to a world-wide mission. God is able to change people and change the purpose people have in their hearts. Saul would soon be the leader of the sect he meant to destroy. God can, through His grace, change the lives of those He wishes. Wouldn't it be great if God did that kind of work today. We don't see it much in most churches. Why is that? Why don't we see the power of Jesus Name on the Damascus Road like the past and in the book of Acts. Pray that today we will see the grace of God in our lives in that same power it was in Saul-Paul.

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