Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oops! 2 Chronicles 6-10

In 7:7 of this section we see that Solomon's alter was not sufficient to hold all the sacrifice he was offering. Can you imagine what would happen on a given Sunday if a pastor made such a big mistake that the offering plates he decided to use were not big enough to hold the offering? Or the communion tray he set up wasn't large enough to serve the congregation? What would people say and what would they think of him. Solmon's construction of the temple was a great idea. But, we already know that the temple was not big enough to contain the God of the universe. Here in 7:7 we see it wasn't even big enough to contain the worship for the God of the universe. Solomon had so much worship the temple alter could not contain it. Oh that this were a "oops" we had to deal with in our churches and in our worship. Wouldn't it be grand if the churches we build and the worship instruments we construct were too small to contain our worship and praise for the King. That would be a great problem to have. Solomon doesn't get carried away and concerned about this either. He simply goes on and worships and allows God to fill the temple. We should not be too concerned about what happens with the instruments of worship but rather concerned about the volume of our worship. Let's give more to God than the alter would hold!

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