Monday, September 26, 2011

Jealousy for God equals blessings from God - Numbers 25-28

When Phinehas stood up for God against those who would worship idols, he wasn't looking for renumeration. He was simply allowing what was on the inside for God to come out toward man. God says he was jealous for God. He was willing to put his own personal interest aside to allow God to control his life and stand up toward his countrymen (25:10-13). God was so impressed with Phinehas that He gave him a promise of a life long blessing. God doesn't miss when we stand up for him. Standing Tall in a Slouching World is something that God sees and desires from us. We need to be willing to put it out there for God. When everyone else in this section is leaning toward the world's way of doing things, God is expecting us (like Phinehas) to stand for Him. Phinehas simple wanted to make sure that his countrymen would obey God and do what He says. As we go through our day are we willing to stand up against the world and against our countrymen who are bending toward the world? If we are jealous for God He will notice and provide the blessings for us.

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Standing Tall In A Slouching World - Psalms 24-26

Psalms 24:3-6 (ESV) Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart...