Friday, June 17, 2011

Now You'll Know - Ezekiel 1-6

Before each book of the Bible in the version I carry there is a synopsis of the book. It contains information about the date the book was written, something about the author and, more importantly, the theme of the book. It also gives us brief outline of the contents of the book. Before I start reading the book I read the introduction. Even though I have read through Ezekiel countless times it is good to be reminded of theme. The stated theme in the version I read states that Ezekiel is prophesying to the Israelites who were taken captive by the Babylonians. In their captivity God wants to remind them that "HE is God and there is no other." The book stresses the sovereignty of God - but not the lack of God's mobility. Ezekiel is going to tell us that God is in complete control but that control is not limited to a city (Israel) or a building (the Temple). Both the city of Jerusalem and its temple were burned and destroyed by the Babylonians. But, God wants the nation(s) to know that He is still God and not limited to working in a man-made-temple. God wants them to "know" that He is God. They had forsaken Him as their God so God is going to remind them of Who He is. To do that He calls Ezekiel, the priest turned prophet. Ezekiel will be asked to do some unusual things to convey God's message to His people. He must take a brick and pretend it is Israel and lay a siege against it. He must lay on his one side for over a year to show how long the siege will last - and then lay on his other side to demonstrate more of God's message. Ezekiel will have plenty of work to do as prophet. All for the purpose of conveying God's message to a rebellious house. Sometimes God must go to great lengths and use strange methods to convey His message. He uses people do covey the message to His people. Ezekiel was one of those prophets who God uses to convey a message that "He is still God." God doesn't need a place to work with His people. But, He chooses to use people to convey that message. He has chosen today's believers to convey the message of His love and salvation to a lost world. God wants everyone to know He is in control. He uses His people to convey that message. When you and I fear His control, or doubt His control, or when we lock Him up in a building, we fail to deliver the message we have been sent to deliver. God is in control and He is very mobile.

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