Friday, March 18, 2011

Righteousness Revealed - Isaiah 56-61

We marvel today in "revelation." Not in the spiritual or religious sense of the word, but in the marketing sense of the word. The world can't wait until the iPad 2 is revealed and the revelation of it becomes a production in and of itself (Or, maybe it was just me who couldn't wait). We can't wait until the sex of the new baby is revealed. We can't wait until a new product, new person or new program is finally unveiled and brought to light. I wonder if those who read Isaiah 56:1 fall under the same hypnotic trance found in the power of revelation? God, through Isaiah, says, "... for my salvation is about to come, my righteousness to be revealed." Paul in Romans 1:17 picks up on that theme and states, "For in it (the gospel) the righteousness of God is revealed ...". God, through the Gospel revealed to us what righteousness is and how it is provided to the believer. You would think that the religious leaders from the time of Isaiah's prophecy on would be ready to make it a Big Production ... A Big Announcement. God was ready. He had angels blast it to shepherds. He had a prophet come before it (John the Baptist). He had a virgin deliver it. God made it a production ... the Pharisees and religious leaders of the day missed it. Many missed the announcement of the iPad 2 because it doesn't interest them. In comparison, technology can't hold a candle to righteousness, but many miss the revelation of God's righteousness because it doesn't interest them. God provided "righteousness" to us. He announced it and revealed it. Do you rejoice in that revelation? To you do you part to "reveal" it to others?

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