Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Roller Coaster Ride - Psalm 21-23

The difference between the theme and spirit of Psalm 21 and Psalm 22 is not just striking, but boarders on the absurd. I love that the two chapters are listed in the book of Psalms back-to-back. In Psalm 21 we see David at the top of his game and in full vigor and praise for God. As we read the Psalm we feel as though we are right there in God's pocket and God has given David (and us) all that we need or could ever desire. David is at the to of exaltation. Then we read Psalm 22. There couldn't be more descriptive words for depression. David is lost and forsaken. He is in the belly of the abyss and can't see light for the rock on his head. The reason I love these two Psalms back-to-back is that they show the reality of life for a child of God. When we become children of God we are going to live in both of these Psalms. Because of our sin nature we can go from exaltation to depression in a breath. David is a real man. He experienced real emotion. This is what makes the Psalms a prize to read. We can rejoice that God, through the Holy Spirit, gave us the words of David to find solace and familiarity. God is not an orthodoxy. God is a reality. He touches where we are. We can find great strength and joy in Him (21:1-2) and then a minute later "feel" as though He has left us and we are all alone (22:1-2). The beauty of each Psalm is that in the end, they both find their source in the character of God. It doesn't matter if we are high or low, the secret to success in life is trusting in the character of God. So, buckle in and hold on ... to the character of God for your daily ride. You will finish the ride in the right place despite the ups and downs.

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