Tuesday, February 22, 2011

God uses our strengths and weaknesses - Judges 12-16

The majority of our reading today is about Samson. Here we have a wonderful story about a young man who was used by God in multiple ways. The most startling aspect of Samson's story is how God uses both his strengths and his weaknesses. In 14:3-5 we see God using a rebellious, self-centered young man to accomplish His purpose for Israel and the Philistines. Later that same selfishness and lust would be his downfall. Yet, in the midst of that same individual is a strong man with a Nazarite Vow, who, through God's grace, is used in a mighty way to deliver the nation of Israel from the Philistine's rule. God uses our strengths and our weaknesses to accomplish His purpose and His plans. Scripture doesn't teach that God wants us to be self-centered or lustful. But, it does teach He uses our sin to accomplish His greater glory. We recently studied Rebekah and Issac as well as Jacob and Laban and saw the same thing. God doesn't want to use our sin for a tool to shape us and work His plan. But, He does. That is both frightening and fundamental to the scoop of things. God can turn our worst mistake into a glorious verse of praise for Him (think "crucifixion"). He can turn our tragedy into a rhythm of righteousness for Him (think of Paul). God can do so much with so little. We have more weaknesses than we have strength; and He gives us the strengths, whereas the weaknesses we have on our own. It is so joyous to know that God can use both for His glory.

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