Friday, November 1, 2024

Zephaniah - Why Was It Written?


(Means: Jehovah has treasured)  He is known as the Royal Prophet because he comes from a kingly line

Historical Setting

1.  During Josiah's reign which ended around 622 - 621 B.C.

2.  Josiah tried to reform the nation after Manasseh (Zephaniah's uncle) brought in the worst corruption of any king. Josiah attempted a reform

Prophecy Against

This is a prophecy against Judah for their idolatry and disobedience to God, as well as judgment on all men - the Coming Day of the Lord is the main theme.  It also includes the promises of a future Kingdom under Christ rule and reign. 

Time Period

625 B.C. - (Pre-Exile of Judah)

Historical Theme - What did it mean then?

1.  The people of Judah were going to be judged by God for their disobedience to God's Word, their idolatry and adultery of pursuing another god.  (Zep. 1:17)

2.  The peoples of the earth will be judged by God for their failure to trust God and their pursuit of idols.

3.  The future restoration of the faithful of God to a kingdom of ruled by Christ. 

Outline of the Book

1. The coming judgment on God's People (Chapter 1)

    A.  The fact that judgment will come -  (1:1-3)

    B.  The focus of the judgment to come - (1:4-13)

    C.  The fierceness of the judgment to come - (1:14-17)

2. The coming judgment on the Earth's People (Chapter 2)

   A.  Plea by God for repentance and offer to forgive (2:1-3)

   B.  Places God will destroy (2:4-13)

3.  The future restoration of God's faithful remnant (Chapter 3) 

   A.  Summation of God's complaint - the Reasons (2:1-11)

  B. Summation of God's compassion - the Remnant (2:12-20)

Reasons to read it:

1.  If you wonder if God will just allow people to sin and the world to go on with no judgment (1:2)

2.  If you wonder how God will judge the world (chapter 2)

3. If you wonder how God demonstrates mercy in the midst of judgment (2:3; 3:5 vs. chapter two)

4.  If you wonder what the future kingdom under Christ's reign will look like (Chapter 3)

Future Theme - What's it mean in future?

1.  The Coming Day of the Lord in the context of history (past and future)

2.  Christ picks up the theme of the Day of the Lord in His teaching.

3.  Paul picks up the theme of the Day of the Lord in his teaching. 

Practical Theme - What does it mean for me today?

1.  Prophecy is Real:  The COMING DAY OF THE LORD is real (see 1:2)  If you are going to study prophecy and God's impending judgment you have to visit passages like Daniel 7:15, 28; 8:27; 10:2, 8-10, 15-17; Psalm 96:13 in regard to how the psalmist saw the coming Day of the Lord; 1 Thessalonians 5   (Those in Christ have a different outlook than those in flesh)

2.  Judgment is Real:  God searches out the sinner and knows their deeds and silver and gold will not deliver them (1:12 & 18)

3.  God's Mercy is Real:  In the midst of judgment God will and does offer a chance for salvation (2:3, 3:5)

4.  Christ's Kingdom is Real:   Judgment is indeed coming but there is blessings in store for those who choose to repent and believe in Christ.

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