Friday, November 15, 2024

Zachariah - Why Was It Written?


(Means: Yahweh has remembered)  He and his grandfather (Iddo) had returned under Zerubbabel to Jerusalem

Historical Setting:

  1. The nation had returned under the leadership of Zerubbabel to rebuild the temple.
  2. The people were tempted to once again fall away from God despite their recent captivity.  

Prophecy Against:

This prophecy is a true "prophet" utterance.  It is filled with visions and oracles in typical prophetic style.  It is a prophecy to encourage the nation to continue in faithfulness toward God, trusting His promises.

Time Period:

  1. November, 520 B.C. - (Post-Exile of Israel back to the land.  Two months after Haggai)
  2. His ministry lasted two years

Historical Theme - What did it mean then?

  1. Similar to the prophet Haggai's themes.
  2. People needed to be encouraged and these messages were meant to do that. 

Future Theme - What's it mean in future?

  1. No prophet gives more Messianic predictions than Zachariah.  So, we see that he can tell us a lot about Christ and the future Kingdom. 
  2. Many prophecies about Christ's first coming (3:8; 9:9, 16; 11:11-13; 12:10; 13:1, 6-7)
  3. Prophecies about Christ's second coming (chapter 14)

Outline of the Book:

  1. Eight Visions - Chapters 1-6
    • Introduction of the Visions (1:1-6)
    • The communication of the visions (1:7-6:8)
    • The symbolic act concluding the visions (6:9-15)
  2. Four Explanatory Oracles (Messages) - 1. Chapters 7-8
    • Zachariah's request for the messages via fasting (7:1-3)
    • The Lords response - the Messages (7:4-8:23)
  3. Two Revelatory Oracles - Chapter 9-14

Reasons to read it:

  1. Longest of the minor prophets and most difficult to read - which means you read it with the purpose of really studying what God was trying to communicate to us: God's mission.
  2. It is the most Christ centered and most apocalyptic and eschatological book of the OT.  So, you read it to see what God wants to accomplish.  
  3. Zachariah gave more information about Christ than any prophet except Isaiah. So you read it to see what he says about Christ.

Practical Theme - What does it mean for me today?

  1. God's Word will be fulfilled and will last, even though we won't (1:1-6) (see 1:5) (see also Titus 1:2-3; 2:5)
  2. God speaks through visions but will always provide the interpretations we need (1:8-10) (especially 1:9)
  3. The fact of Christ's first appearance was a predicted historical event that demands our belief in the promises of His word (3:8; 9:9, 16; 11:11-13; 12:10; 13:1, 6-7)
  4. The fact of Christ's second appearance is a predicted historical event that demands our belief in the promises of His word (chapter 14 .... especially verses 4, 9, 20).  (See also Titus 2:13-14 & 1 John 3:3)

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