Friday, November 8, 2024

Haggai - Why Was It Written?


(Means: My Feast)  Some believe he was born in Babylon in captivity.  He wrote Psalms 138; 146-149

Historical Setting

1. There were three returns to the land and Haggai is a speaker after the 1st return.

2. Restoration of the temple had started and ceased - Haggai was sent to keep it going. 

Time Period

1.  520 B.C. - (Early Post Exile of Judah)

2.  He describes in detail the times of his prophecy

3. He is prophesying over the 1st of 3 returns.

Prophecy Against

Haggai is prophesying against those who had ceased work on the temple to find comfort for themselves - both leadership and follower-ship 

Historical Theme - What did it mean then?

1. The nation (Judah) was taken captive in 586 B.C.  Some were taken to Babylon and others lived in the land an intermarried the inhabitants of other nations (eventually became known as the Samaritans). 

2. During captivity Daniel & Ezekiel encouraged those in captivity.  

3. In 538 B.C. King Cyrus released captives to return to rebuild their temple. (Ezra 1:1-4)

4. Not all Jews wanted to return.  They had found a home in Babylon (now, Medes-Persian Emperor).  They became comfortable. 

5. Returning to the land of Israel was tough.  There was no food, no homes, no safety.   So, the people focused on creature comforts.

6. Years later the work on the temple had ceased and God raised up Haggai to encouage them.  He was like a motivational speaker for God. 

Outline of the Book

Introduction - Haggai 1:1 (Haggai had four oracles)

Oracle #1 - God's Work provides motivation over our creature comfort 1:2-15

Oracle #2 - Future hope provides motivation for present commitment (2:1-9)

Oracle #3 - God's blessing provides motivation for personal holiness (2:10-19)

Oracle #4 -  God's appointment of leadership provides motivation for a commitment of service to Him (2:20-23)

Future Theme - What's it mean in future?

1.  The Spirit was coming to restore the hearts of the people along with true worship.

2.  There were future blessings in store for those who are obedient to God. 

Reasons to read it:

1.  If you have ever been discouraged and wanted to quit working for God because the task seemed too large. 

2.  If you have ever been out of focus and started to enjoy the world more than glorifying God in your life. 

3. If you have ever thought the problems of the past would mean God would not bless the future. 

Practical Theme - What does it mean for me today?

Haggai acts like a motivational speaker attempting to motivate the people to finish the temple.   He uses four motivational tools to get them to finish the temple:

1.  We can become motivated by changing our Priorities:  God's work takes priority over our creature comforts.   God puts Himself and our worship of Him before our own creature comforts. (1:2-15)

2. We can become motivated by moving past the Present: The future provides motivation for the present work.  God expects believers to work today because of what He promises tomorrow (2:1-9)

3.  We can become motivated by striving for personal Purity:  God's blessing is awaiting those who strive for personal holiness (2:10-19)  Sin is easier transmitted than holiness.  Holiness takes God’s intervention.  Hope motivates us to holiness - 1 John 3:3

4. We can become motivated by believing in God’s Providence: God is working in leadership in the nations and will place His servants in final positions of rule (2:20-23)

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