Thursday, September 12, 2024

Many Voices Create Surer Victory - Proverbs 23-24

Proverbs 24:5-6 (ESV Strong's)

A wise man is full of strength,

and a man of knowledge enhances his might,

for by wise guidance you can wage your war,

and in abundance of counselors there is victory.

Wisdom brings many benefits to our lives.   In the above proverbs we see that wisdom aides us in our battles.  We see that by wisdom and understanding (synonymous terms in Proverbs) we gain both strength and guidance.   Many go to war on their own strength and in their own wisdom.  But, when we fear God He gives us wisdom that enables us to be strong and wise in our battle.  There is safety in a multitude of counselors.   When we have God’s wisdom we know how important it is to seek out wisdom from others.  We don’t rely on our own instincts and counsel.  That is the difference between those who Fear the Lord and those who don’t.   God speaks to us through the words of others He has given counsel to for us. We do wise to ask them and to hear them.   The benefits of wisdom is  to get counsel on what to do and to have the wisdom and the strength God provides to also carry it out.   Wisdom is the source of knowledge and the source of strength, according to this proverbs.  That is some powerful combination.

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