Friday, August 30, 2024

The Reason for Hosea


(From the Hebrew yasha - to deliver - salvation) See how word is used in 1:7

Historical Setting

During the reign of four kings of Judah (Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah ... all good kings) and During Jeroboam, Zechariah, Shallum, Menanhem, Pekahiah, Pekah, and Hoshea (bad kings) - kings

Prophecy Against

Unlike Amos who was from Judah but prophesied against Israel, Hosea prophesied against his own people, Israel. 

Time Period

796 - 719 B.C. - Before the Exile and during the beginning of it (Captivity began in 721 B.C. (Pre-Exile & Exile)

Historical Theme - What did it mean then?

1. Amos prophesied an "unnamed" country would punish Israel - Hosea identifies them as Assyria

2. Point out the nation of Israel's faithlessness toward their God.

3. To call the nation of Israel to repentance and back to the covenant relationship with their God. 

4. To condemn the nation for their lack of faithfulness, loyalty and love for God.

Future Theme - What's it mean in future?

1. Hosea shows us that God pursues those He loves and will continue to love them if they repent. 

2. Hosea shows us that God delivers us from sin and our slavery to sin. 

3. Hosea shows us that despite our salvation we can all fall away from loving Him. 

Outline of the Book

1. Unfaithful wife - Faithful husband (Hosea is used as an example for the character God) 1-3

2. Unfaithful nation - Faithful God (Hosea is used as a mouthpiece for the message from God) 4-14

Reasons to read it:

1. You will want to read Hosea if you are tempted to break a promise you made with God or others. 

2. You will want to read Hosea if you ever had someone hurt you by breaking a promise or vow they made to you. 

3. You will want to read Hosea if you doubt God's unconditional and sustaining love

Practical Theme - What does it mean for me today?

1. God sometimes asks His servants to do very hard things so that He (God) can make an example out of them (Hosea had to married a harlot, who eventually, would leave him and return to her harlotry, forcing Hosea to take her back despite her unfaithfulness.) (Hosea 1-3)

2. God will deliver us despite our unfaithfulness (Hosea 1:7 c.f. 3:1)

3. God sees our sin and how we leave Him for the things that tittilate us (but still will take us back)(Hosea 2:5-13)

4. When God deals with His children it is for the purpose of turning us back to Himself (Hosea 2:14ff) - He might bring trouble to us (Achor) but it turns the valley into hope.

5. Rejection of God's truth and the knowledge that comes with it puts man in a the position of judgment - Hosea 4:1-6

6. When we reject God's truth we put Him at arm's length away from us - Hosea 5:6, 15

7. God's grace is sufficient to save - Hosea 6 (sound anything like Romans?) 

8. God is a God who observes "the law of the harvest" - what you sow you reap -Hosea (7:2; 8:4,7; 9:1; 10:12, 13)

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