Wednesday, July 17, 2024

God Restores After Discipline - Psalms 84-86

Psalms 85:1-3 (ESV)


LORD, you were favorable to your land;

you restored the fortunes of Jacob.

You forgave the iniquity of your people;

you covered all their sin. Selah

You withdrew all your wrath;

you turned from your hot anger.

Psalm 85 is a song written upon the return of the nation of Israel from their captivity.  They were sent into captivity due to their disobedience to God’s Word.  He disciplined them to correct their behavior.   Now they are returning to the Promise Land.   They rejoice that their sins are forgiven and they can rebuild in the land again.   This is a time of Nehemiah, who returned to rebuild the city, and of Ezra, who returned to lead the rebuilding of the Temple.  But before there was to be a rebuilding of the material things there had to be a restoration of the heart toward God.   They had to come to the point that they rejoiced and worshipped God for His marvelous mercy and grace.  Knowing your sins are forgiven and God has turned from His wrath toward us should produces great rejoicing in our hearts.  

1 Thessalonians 1:9-10 (ESV)

For they themselves report concerning us the kind of reception we had among you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.

When we turn to God in repentance we are delivered from the wrath that God is brining on the world.  The people had experienced God’s anger and wrath but He was now faithful to them in mercy and grace.   Despite their sins God was willing and eager to forgive:

1 John 1:9 (ESV)

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

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