Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Helicopter God - Psalms 33-35

Psalms 33:18 (ESV)

Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear him,

on those who hope in his steadfast love,

Psalms 34:15 (ESV)

The eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous

and his ears toward their cry.

Psalms 35:22 (ESV)

You have seen, O LORD; be not silent!

O Lord, be not far from me!

God sees!   His eyes are upon those who fear Him.   That can be a frightful thing; to know that God is watching.   He is always watching.   To those who want their privacy, cameras can be quit intruding.   To those who are going about to do evil, the eye in the sky is quite threatening.   And God is the ultimate eye in the sky.  But He is not some monitoring device to simply watch for your flaws.  He is the all watching and ever viewing God who is watching out for the cares of those He loves.  God’s omniscient seeing is not like some security camera mindset that surrounds our homes and property, watching for intruders ... although He does.  He is not some monitoring device, with face recognition, looking for those with a history of violence that are out to hurt us ... although He does.   This is more like the baby or young child monitor that is watching the children play making sure they don’t hurt themselves or hurt by others ... this He does!!   God does this out of his steadfast love.  He monitors us and watches us because He loves us.  We never have to fear! He is watching and near, for He loves us.   Like a mother watching a small infant who starts to roll over every chance they can, God is that monitoring mother who keeps a watchful.  Like her, God has a quick set of hands to make sure we don’t roll right off the surface we find ourselves.   God is probably the original helicopter parent, but in a good way.   God is the God of the universe who, out of pure love, hovers over us and makes sure we are safe each day.   

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