Saturday, February 10, 2024

Prayer for Ministry - Matthew 14-16

 Matthew 14:23 (ESV)

And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone,

Every thing that Jesus did on the earth we could never do - can’t do.  Except what we read in the above passage.   We can do many of things Jesus did through Christ who strengthens us.  Prayer is one of those things.  The scene this verse is taking from comes from a moment after Jesus taught and then feed the five thousand.   He has been on the ministry path for several days, if not works.   The crowds were following Him all around the region. Even when He goes to another location the crowds have heard of Him and want to see power come from Him.   Jesus is constantly surrounded by need, desperation, disappointment (the disciples just did not get it most times), disobedience (the religious leaders) and diseases (inflicted by Satan’s curse on this world).   He has twelve disciples by Him almost all the time.   He is teaching, healing, and confronting every moment of His life.   What is Jesus’ solution to find strength?   He sneaks away to pray.   He is alone.   He is not alone to read a book.  He is not alone to work out.  He is not alone to take a spa day to get a pedicure.   He is alone to talk to His Father in heaven.   We don’t have many recordings of Him doing this.  One web site states it this way:

1.  To prepare for a major task Luke 4:1-2, 14-15. After Jesus was baptized He spent 40 days praying in the wilderness. After this He was tempted by Satan and then began His public ministry.

2. To recharge after hard work Mark 6:30-32. Jesus sent the 12 disciples out to do ministry. When they returned He encouraged them to separate from the people who were following them to rest.

3. To work through grief Matthew 14:1-13. After Jesus learned that his cousin John the Baptist had been beheaded, He went away by Himself. Yes, even the Son of God grieves.

4. Before making an important decision Luke 6:12-13. Early in His ministry Jesus spent the whole night alone in prayer. The next day He chose his 12 disciples.

5. In a time of distress Luke 22:39-44. Hours before Jesus was arrested He went to the Mt. of Olives and went a short distance away from His disciples to pray. He was in great emotional agony knowing what he was about to face.

6.  To focus on prayer Luke 5:16. Many times in Jesus’ ministry He spent time alone in prayer.


The key here is that Jesus knew that the “secret” to success in life was not in anything other than a deep prayer life with His Father.   

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