Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, since a death has occurred that redeems them from the transgressions committed under the first covenant.
The “he” in the above passage is Jesus. In this section the writer of Hebrews is making the case that the Old Testament system was a pattern to show us “how” God removed sin. It was by the blood of animals sacrificed on behalf of the worshipper. However, when Jesus came he became the final and complete sacrifice, therefore there remains no longer a need for another sacrifice. That is the writer’s main theme throughout the book. Jesus is a more superior and final offering. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection we are able to receive the promise of eternal life. His death “redeems” us from all the sins we have committed. We can’t have eternal life without the remission of sins. We can’t have permanent remission of sins unless there is a blood sacrifice that is offered permanent and once for all for all our sins. Jesus is that blood sacrifice. God needs to have payment for all sins. In the Old Testament the nation of Israel had to come regularly to offer sacrifices for their sins. However, in the New Testament, the new covenant, Jesus has become that final and lasting sacrifice so that we can enjoy the assurance of eternal life. That is the promise of the book of Hebrews. There is no work on our part of our salvation. Our part is the living that truth out in obedience through the demonstration of love to those around us.
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