Wednesday, October 18, 2023

God is NOT Asleep - Psalms 120-121

 Psalms 121:4 (ESV)

Behold, he who keeps Israel

will neither slumber nor sleep. 

In 2009 I wrote a very short journal entry on the above passage: 

God doesn't sleep! The problem with most security systems is that they can be beat by something. The problem with insurance policies is the fine print. Only God is able to be our complete security. God is in the heavens to watch over us and we can look to Him for our help. We have no reason to doubt that He will be there. There is no slumber with God - He is always there to watch. 

In light of what is happening in 2023 with the latest attack on Israel, it might be wise to go deeper into this verse in particular and this psalm in general.   This song is a pilgrimage song.  The song would have been song when the people were traveling to Jerusalem to observe one of the yearly worship events.  However, we have no indication if it was song on the way there or on the return trip.  Either way the song is highlighting the power of God regarding His watchful care over the people.   The song starts with a declaration that Israel’s help comes from the LORD.   Not just the LORD, but the LORD who made heaven and earth (vss 1-2).   He is also the LORD who will NOT let their feet stumble or slip (vs 3).   This brings us to the above verse.  God does not sleep on the job.   He is fully active in the care and watchful eye over Israel.   Apparently the recent attacks on Israel were a surprise to everyone except the attackers.   The nation of Israel did not see it coming.  The United States intelligence community didn’t see it coming.   In fact, the silence before this storm was very loud, according to new reports.   Yes, everyone was caught off guard.  Everyone except God.   God is not asleep and sees all and knows all before it happens.  Yes, this states that God knew it but implies He either was incapable of stopping it, or unconcerned that it would happen.   Or, perhaps a third option.   It also could be that God is moving in the midst of His chosen people and on the world stage.   God is always working and always engaged moving everyone to the realization that His Son, Jesus Christ, will soon reign in heaven and earth.   The wars we see and the calamity we observe are all indications of God continuing to set up the world stage for Jesus to reign.   We may have been caught off guard.  But, God is not silent, asleep or on a vacation.  He is highly knowledgeable and active.   It is His powerful hand that will deliver His people from wrong.  Assuming His people sing this song with and from their hearts.   

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