Sunday, June 18, 2023

Who Are We? Our Identity!! Ephesians 1-3

 Ephesians 2:22 (ESV)
In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.

When Paul writes the the church at Ephesus he leaves very little out of this letter concerning the glory of Christ, the mystery of the Gospel and the blessings given to believers of Christ in that Gospel.   These first three chapters of Ephesians may be the most glorious of all writings in the Bible.  Reading them and walking away is like having a helicopter rider over the Seven Wonders of the World in a brief hour flight.   You will be in awe, but really miss the entire point.   These chapters exalt Christ’s blessings for us through Christ’s death for us.   

In the above verse we see one of those blessings in a short sentence.  Because Christ died for us, He has redeemed us so that we would be a “dwelling place for God.”  He is doing this through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  So, we see the Trinity in concert provide for us not just a changed life, but a new way to think of our dwelling (our bodily home).  Our body is being built as a dwelling place for God.    The Spirit is hammering away, putting up drywall, installing plumbing and electricity and crafting all the furniture and furnishings.   We are A DWELLING PLACE FOR GOD.  It is BUILT BY THE SPIRIT.   It is FOUNDED ON THE FINISHED WORK OF CHRIST.   That is our identity in this world.   We are not just some run down shack in the woods God does not care about.  No!!  We are being built by the Spirit as a dwelling place for God based upon the finished work of the Son.  That is who we are!!

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