Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Role of the Church Elder - Acts 19-20

Acts 20:28 (ESV)
Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.

In this section of chapter 20 of Acts Paul has called the elders from Ephesus to bid them farewell.  He has his mind set on going to Jerusalem and then on to Rome (little does he know that this will be via the route of persecution and imprisonment). These elders were put in place by him when he ministered in Ephesus for over two years.  He was eventually run out of town (as he always was).   But, before he left he established a structure for the church.  These elders (their role written about in 1 Timothy 3) would lead the church from this point forward.  Notice the instruction in this one verse:

1. These elders are to have “careful attention.” The word actually means to “hold the mind toward.”  The elder is to be the one in the Body of Christ who is alert and continually conscious toward spiritual things.   

2.  These elders are to have careful attention for “themselves” first.   Spiritual leadership is first and foremost taking care of your own spiritual walk first.  Elders can’t get too engaged with the members of the Body until they have first made sure their walk with Christ is full and vibrant. 

3. These elders are to have careful attention for the “members” of the Body.   The main role of Elders is to care for the “flock.”  The “flock” is to be reminded of that, as well.   The mindset of the elder is be focused on the needs of the flock.   

4. These elders are to have the understanding that they are under the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  This is not to be done in their own power or strength or wisdom.   Elders are to be submissive to the Spirit. 

5.  These elders are to act as “overseers” of the church.  The Greek word for “overseers” is usually translated “bishop.”   These elders are being told that their role is not just spiritual but logistical in the aspect of being the superintendent of the work.  They are to make sure things are done and they are done right.   

6.  These elders are to recognize this care for the church was purchased at great expense: The blood of Christ.  This is not a typical organizational mission statement.  

The CHURCH is NOT a typical organization. It ought not be to treated that way.   This is an eternal body of believers that will be together forever and ever.   It is to be cared for by elders who rise the occasion for the role designed by God for the leadership of the people of God.  

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