Sunday, May 22, 2022

God Designs Our Ministry - 2 Corinthians 9-10

 2 Corinthians 10:13 (ESV)
But we will not boast beyond limits, but will boast only with regard to the area of influence God assigned to us, to reach even to you.

In the book of 2 Corinthians, Paul was writing in to the church for many reasons. In chapter 9 he addresses a financial gift that they should have ready to give to the churches throughout the world that were hit with both a world-wide famine and a Rome inflicted persecution.  As he moves to chapter 10 he is addressing false teachers who have come into their church, with false claims of qualification and grandiose credentials for the purpose of promoting themselves and to diminish Paul’s authority. 

Paul could respond to these pompous egomaniacs in multiple ways.   Throughout chapter 10 we can see some great principles of how to conduct our ministry when someone is questioning our authority and/or promoting themselves by stepping on us.  In the above verse we read one of those principles.  Paul is telling the Corinthian believers that he is content to stay in his land.  He has such confidence in God’s call of his life and God’s design for his service, that he simply states that he has no reason to try to “one-up” his credentials to match theirs.  He is not going to get into a contest about who is more prepared, more called, or more qualified to speak into the lives of these believers.   His call was his call.   He stayed in line with the purpose AND position God gave them.   We remember from 1 Corinthians of how this church thought one gift was MORE important than other gifts.   Now, using their greedy hearts, false teachers were controlling the church to believe one person with some credentials is to be listened to (and obeyed) over another.   Paul will have none of this reasoning.   He will only “boast” in regard to the area  that God has given him influence.  His ministry was designed by God, not a weapon to be used to conquer the self-serving and self-indulgence of others.  Paul knew who called him, why he was called AND the extent of that call.   We are to be content in the ministry that God calls us.  We are to do that ministry to the glory of God, in the power of God, and with excellence for God.   We are not to attempt to expand our ministry beyond what God has given us for our own gain, or, for what WE think might be better for the church.   God has put us in the ministry He designed for us.  That thought was good enough for the Apostle Paul and it ought to be for us, as well. 

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