Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Spirit Was Upon Him, But Why? Matthew 11-13

Matthew 12:18 (ESV)

“Behold, my servant whom I have chosen,
my beloved with whom my soul is well pleased.
I will put my Spirit upon him,
and he will proclaim justice to the Gentiles.

God sent the Second Person of the Trinity to become the Son, to proclaim justice to the entire world.   Jesus is the Second Person of the Trinity.  He was born in the flesh as Jesus and became The Son.   Although always external, there was a point in time that He became flesh.   God the Father refers to Him in the above verse as “my servant,” and “my believed.”   The Father states that He is “well pleased” with the Son.   But, one of the most powerful aspects of that above commentary by Matthew on that Jesus will have the Holy Spirit upon Him.  Matthew is taking this message from Isaiah 42:1-2.    Notice that in this verse we have the Father, the Son and the Spirit all in concert.    This is not the only interaction of the Spirit with the Son.  Jesus was:

1. Conceived by the Spirit - Matthew 1:2

2. Baptized by the Spirit - Matthew 3:16

3. Fill by the Spirit - Luke 4:1

4. Lead by the Spirit - Luke 4:1

5. Anointed by the Spirit with Power - Acts 10:38

6. Anointed by the Spirit to proclaim good news to the poor and needy - Luke 4:18-19

Remember, that Jesus took upon the form of man.  This would allow Him to represent us in every way.   Jesus’s humanity received all this, as His deity was already One with the Spirit!  Just as the Son had the power of the Spirit, so too, do we.   What a marvelous thought.  We have the indwelling of the Spirit to enable us to live a life like the Son, in order to please the Father.   Jesus not only died for us, He set the pattern for us to live.  

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