Tuesday, February 15, 2022

100% Victory with Only 1% of the Army - Judges 6-11

Judges 7:1-8 (ESV)
1 Then Jerubbaal (that is, Gideon) and all the people who were with him rose early and encamped beside the spring of Harod. And the camp of Midian was north of them, by the hill of Moreh, in the valley.
2 The LORD said to Gideon, “The people with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hand, lest Israel boast over me, saying, ‘My own hand has saved me.’ 3 Now therefore proclaim in the ears of the people, saying, ‘Whoever is fearful and trembling, let him return home and hurry away from Mount Gilead.’” Then 22,000 of the people returned, and 10,000 remained.
4 And the LORD said to Gideon, “The people are still too many. Take them down to the water, and I will test them for you there, and anyone of whom I say to you, ‘This one shall go with you,’ shall go with you, and anyone of whom I say to you, ‘This one shall not go with you,’ shall not go.” 5 So he brought the people down to the water. And the LORD said to Gideon, “Every one who laps the water with his tongue, as a dog laps, you shall set by himself. Likewise, every one who kneels down to drink.” 6 And the number of those who lapped, putting their hands to their mouths, was 300 men, but all the rest of the people knelt down to drink water. 7 And the LORD said to Gideon, “With the 300 men who lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hand, and let all the others go every man to his home.” 8 So the people took provisions in their hands, and their trumpets. And he sent all the rest of Israel every man to his tent, but retained the 300 men. And the camp of Midian was below him in the valley.

There is a principal taught in Scripture that the more weak we are the more power we have from God.  Or, perhaps better, the more we admit and accept how weak we are the power and strength we have in God.  Here is how Paul said it and it illustrates the above passage about Gideon and his army of 32,000 being dwindled down, by God, to 300:

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (ESV)
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

It might due well for us to accept our weaknesses.   When Gideon went to war against the Midianites, he thought “numbers” would give him an advantage.  But, it is not the might we bring with us, but the might of God in us and over us, that makes the fight victorious for Him.   Imagine what members of this army must have thought when 99% of them went home.  God will eventually accomplish a victory with only 1% of those who original set out to fight.  We need to have faith that with only 1%, with God, we can have 100% victory.     

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