Friday, October 29, 2021

God’s Kingdom - Zephaniah

Zephaniah 3:13 (ESV)
those who are left in Israel;
they shall do no injustice
and speak no lies,
nor shall there be found in their mouth
a deceitful tongue.
For they shall graze and lie down,
and none shall make them afraid.”

Zephaniah has a hard job.  He was sent to prophecy against Judah concerning their turning to idol worship and forsaken God.  He is very blunt and to the point with his prophecy.   He tells the people about destruction and doom.    However, like most prophets, he is also able to weave into his message a picture of hope.  That hope is the new kingdom God will establish through Christ.   In the above verse we read a small portion of what that new kingdom will look like. Imagine a place that has “no injustice!”  Or, think about a place that has “no lies.”   Imagine a place where we can’t find “a deceitful tongue!”   This is the place that God is preparing for the remnant that will seek in by faith.   We should shake and quiver in our boots about the coming day of the Lord because it is a demonstration of God’s wrath.  But, it is also the presence of His love, peace and joy.   Those who reject God face His wrath.   Those who trust in God will, however, experience a time of utter peace and joy.  

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