Monday, September 20, 2021

Leadership Authority - Numbers 25-28

Numbers 27:22-23 (ESV)
And Moses did as the LORD commanded him. He took Joshua and made him stand before Eleazar the priest and the whole congregation, and he laid his hands on him and commissioned him as the LORD directed through Moses.

Leadership has to have authority.   In the above passage we are reading the final chapters of Moses’ life of leadership and the first chapters of Joshua’s life of leadership.   Moses has been told he is about to go up to the mountain and will die as he looks out to the promise land.  Joshua will be on the same mountain and will be told to lead the people into the promise land. One is leaving the other is going.    Moses failed to honor God when the people he was leading complained about having no water (Numbers 27:13-14).   This has disqualified him to lead the people into the promise land.  But, before his death, Moses wants to make sure the people are cared for (Numbers 27:15-21).   This is the sign of a great leader.  Even in transition and succession a great leader wants to make sure that they people and the work continue (this was true of David as he left the kingdom to his son Solomon and Paul as he left the ministry to Timothy and Titus).   In the above text we read that Moses brought Joshua in front of the priest (Eleazar ... who would be at his side as they went into the promise land) and before the people.  This is the moment that Joshua will be commissioned to lead the people.  It was a public ceremony.   It was before the priesthood.  It was with Moses’ blessings.   The congregation of Israel would have no moment of lost leadership.  This is the succession plan of God.   Leadership has to have this moment.  It can be scheduled.  It can be manufactured.  It can be developed.  It can be spontaneous.  But, it has to happen.   In 2 Samuel 16:15-21 we read about how Absalom tried to create this moment while taking the leadership of Israel away from his father David.  Absalom created a coup and made himself king.   He created a moment where what we see happened here with Moses and Joshua would establish his authority.   Leadership without authority and only responsibility is a leadership destined to fail.   Just because the “ceremony” happens, doesn’t make the person a good leader (see the story of Saul).  But the authority must be established.   This is God’s method throughout His Word.  

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