Friday, July 9, 2021

Splendor Destroyed by Pride - Ezekiel 25-30

Splendor Destroyed by Pride

Ezekiel 28:11-15
A Lament over the King of Tyre
Moreover, the word of the LORD came to me: “Son of man, raise a lamentation over the king of Tyre, and say to him, Thus says the Lord GOD:
“You were the signet of perfection,
full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
You were in Eden, the garden of God;
every precious stone was your covering,
sardius, topaz, and diamond,
beryl, onyx, and jasper,
sapphire, emerald, and carbuncle;
and crafted in gold were your settings
and your engravings.
On the day that you were created
they were prepared.
You were an anointed guardian cherub.
I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God;
in the midst of the stones of fire you walked.
You were blameless in your ways
from the day you were created,
till unrighteousness was found in you.

The title in most versions of the Bible for the above passage is, “The Lament over the King of Tyre.”   Tyre was a famous city that persecuted Israel.  It was one of the riches and most prestigious cities in the land of Canaan.   God has sent Ezekiel to speak a prophesy about it.   God is going to destroy it.   The above passage speaks to why God is going to destroy the “king” of Tyre.  Because of language used by Ezekiel there has been much discussion about this King of Tyre.  The reference that the King was in the Garden of Eden complicates the interpretation.   In verse 14 we read that the King is referred to as an “anointed cherub” who is said to be placed by God “on the holy mountain of God.”   The jewels listed sound very familiar to the breastplate of the high priest of Israel.   Some have thought this passage is speaking of Satan, prior to his fall from God’s grace.   That interpretation believes that Satan was the master, controlling the King of Tyre.  So, the prophecy is about the king, but, in reality the power behind the king, Satan.   Whoever the passage is speaking about (physical king or spiritual king of power) we do know this:  God created this “being” and they, by pride, failed to praise God for their beauty, giftedness and power.   The thought in the passage is that pride has brought this amazing creation to the ground.   Despite the privileges and beauty they were given by God they rebelled in pride.  God was going to deal with this arrogance.   Notice what God says about pride through the voice of Solomon: 

Proverbs 8:13
The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil.
Pride and arrogance and the way of evil
and perverted speech I hate.

Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction,
and a haughty spirit before a fall.

We need to be on guard for a prideful heart.  The King of Tyre gave into his pride.   Whether controlled by a demonic being or not, God would and did bring him down.   God resist the proud and gives grace to the humble.  All the splendor that was given to this created being was wasted in pride.  Pride destroyed the splendor.  

James 4:6
But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

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