Friday, March 5, 2021

God’s Righteousness Will Not be Dismayed!! Isaiah 51-55

 God’s Righteousness Will Not be Dismayed!!

Isaiah 51:4-6 (ESV)

4 “Give attention to me, my people,

and give ear to me, my nation;

for a law will go out from me,

and I will set my justice for a light to the peoples.

5 My righteousness draws near,

my salvation has gone out,

and my arms will judge the peoples;

the coastlands hope for me,

and for my arm they wait.

6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens,

and look at the earth beneath;

for the heavens vanish like smoke,

the earth will wear out like a garment,

and they who dwell in it will die in like manner;

but my salvation will be forever,

and my righteousness will never be dismayed.

Toward the end of the prophet’s book, Isaiah comes to the most wonderful words of the prophecy in chapters 51-55.   God is promising the remnant of Israel that through the Messiah God will give them peace and righteousness.   The above passage outlines the core of that message.   He tells them the following:

1. His righteousness will be “light to the peoples” (v. 4).   He is telling that through their Messiah the world will be blessed.  That is you and me.   

2.  His righteousness brings hope for those who wait for it and seek it (v. 5). God is providing His righteousness all the way to the “coastlands.”  He brings hope to all who wait for it. 

3. His righteousness will never be destroyed, diminished or dismayed (v. 6).  Although all the elements of the world will vanish, the righteousness of God is permanent.   The word dismayed could be translated “to break down.”   God’s righteousness will never crack, fade, wane, slight or shrink once it is provided through the Messiah to those of faith.   

God’s salvation and righteousness comes from Him by His acts of sacrifice through Christ’s death.   It is entirely of Him and that is why we have great assurance of faith that our salvation is secure.  

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