Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Legacy of Mistreatment - Psalms 128-130

 Psalms 129:1-4 (ESV Strong's)

1 “Greatly have they afflicted me from my youth”—

let Israel now say—

2 “Greatly have they afflicted me from my youth,

yet they have not prevailed against me.

3 The plowers plowed upon my back;

they made long their furrows.”

4 The LORD is righteous;

he has cut the cords of the wicked.

Legacy of Mistreatment

The above psalm is a song that was song song by those traveling to Jerusalem for worship.   It was mean to begin their focus on God, prior to arriving for the ceremonial worship.   If we are coming to God in worship, we have to recognize the need for a Sovereign God in our lives.   In the above song we see that they are approaching God because they realize they are in a world that mistreated them.  The song acknowledges that they have NO ONE but God do deliver them.   They look back over their history and years and realize that the world has constantly been “plowing” their backs.  The word picture is vivid.   This is what the world does.  It plows those who disagree with them.  It makes “furrows” in our lives.   The world would like to plant seeds of the flesh in those “furrows.”   This is why verse four is so important.   Without God they do not have a prayer.  It is God who “cuts the cords of the wicked.”   These are “cords” of which the world hopes to secure us to their way of thinking.  God cuts those cords.  He is the one who delivers us.  That is how we can approach Him in meekness.  Even though we have a legacy of mistreatment by the world and the worldly systems around us, God delivers us.   The solution for a legacy of mistreatment is to turn to the righteous and holy God we serve.  He “delivers” from those who wish to plow us.  This is the way we prepare for worship.   We recognize the wickedness happening in our lives and to our lives and we turn and acknowledge the One who delivers.   

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