Monday, September 7, 2020

The Constant Need for Cleansing - Numbers 18-20

 Numbers 19:9 (ESV Strong's)

9 And a man who is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and deposit them outside the camp in a clean place. And they shall be kept for the water for impurity for the congregation of the people of Israel; it is a sin offering.

The constant need for cleansing!

The above passage gives the people of Israel the instructions of what to do after the Red Heifer Sacrifice.   A red heifer was slaughtered and sprinkled on the tabernacle.  It was then take outside the camp and, under the observation of the high priest, it was to be burnt in its entirety.   This red heifer was a symbol of Jesus being taken outside the city of Jerusalem and killed, to make purification for mankind.   In the above portion of the sacrifice, we have what happens after the red heifer is burned.   The ashes are to be collected and properly stored, outside the camp.  They are to be used later to purify those who come in contact, later, with a dead corpse.   The point here is the Christ’s sacrifice is not only applicable at our justification moment, it is constantly purifying us in our daily practice sanctification.  For a person to receive this purification they had to come to the priest to be sprinkled by this purification water.  So, too, we have to come to Christ, daily, to get power to live a sanctified life.   Jesus was killed outside the camp for our daily purification.  

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