Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Praise the Lord! Psalms 111-113

 Psalms 113:1 (ESV Strong's)

1 Praise the LORD!

Praise, O servants of the LORD,

praise the name of the LORD!

Praise the Lord 

The title that the editors give this psalm is, “Who Is Like the Lord Our God?”   The title is taken from verse five of the psalm.    We do not know who composed the psalm, but the obvious purpose is contained in the above verse.  We are instructed to praise the Lord.   If we look at this psalm as an exhortation or imperative, we must realize that praising God is not a feeling or an emotion.  It is not something we do just because we are in a worship service or feeling good about God.  This is an instruction to “praise God” simply because He is awesome.   His “glory is above the heavens!” (v.4).  This is the writer’s reason for praising Him.   There is no one like Him.  (v.5).  This is a reason to praise Him.  He raises the poor from the dust of the earth to the leader of the kingdom (v.6-8).  This is the reason to praise Him.  He opens the womb of the barren woman (v.9).  This is a reason to praise Him.  So, we praise Him for who He is and for what He does.   This is an imperative we are to obey.   

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