Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Stand In The Breach - Psalm 105-107

Psalms 106:23 (ESV Strong's)
Therefore he said he would destroy them—
had not Moses, his chosen one,
stood in the breach before him,
to turn away his wrath from destroying them.

Stand In the Breach, Through Prayer, for Someone

Psalm 106 is a praise song.  It is a prayer that stresses giving praise to God for His goodness to Israel.   Israel was a rebellious people.  They were constantly given blessing after blessing and constantly rebelled and rebelled, despite the blessings.  As a result of their disobedience, God was so angry He was ready to destroy them.   But, Moses steps up his prayer life and “stands in the breach.”    The passages teaches us  several things:

1. God allows us, via our prayers, to change His mind.  This might blow our minds in regard to our belief in God’s plan and God’s sovereignty.  But, we can wrap our mind around it and understand it if we understand that God incorporates our plans into His plans.   God wants our prayers in His plans.  

2. We can pray for protection for those we love and God will hear our prayers.   When we have someone in our lives that is walking away from God, we can pray for them and ask God to work in their lives.   

3.  God hates sin and His wrath is always hanging over those who disobey Him.   We can and should live in light of that wrath.  The nation of Israel kept disobeying God.   God is love, but He is also a God of judgement and justice.   

In this song we see the glory of God in both mercy and judgment.   That is the glory of God.   

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