Monday, May 27, 2019

Tag: Skilled at Labor and as a Teacher - Exodus 33-36

Exodus 35:30-35 (ESV Strong's)
Then Moses said to the people of Israel, “See, the Lord has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood, for work in every skilled craft. And he has inspired him to teach, both him and Oholiab the son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan. He has filled them with skill to do every sort of work done by an engraver or by a designer or by an embroiderer in blue and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen, or by a weaver—by any sort of workman or skilled designer.

Tag:  Skilled at Labor and as a Teacher

In the above passage we read the portion of the calling of the head laborers who will build the Tabernacle and the furniture and utilizes of the Tabernacle.   Two men, Bezalel and Oholiab, will be the master craftsmen both in charge of doing the work and responsible to develop the talent around them.   The key thought in this passage is that it was the Spirit of God who enabled them to be do the work and teach others to do the work.   It is a great picture of the same functions in the early church.  Note what Paul told Timothy while he was in the church at Ephesus:

Ephesians 4:11-12 (ESV Strong's)
And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,

God, no matter the economy, wants Godly men to teach Godly men.  The concept of being both skilled and a teacher to teach your skill is God’s design for growth and to honor Him.   God wants us to learn the skills He gives us and then He wants us to teach others, so that the Body of Believers will grow.   That is God’s system.  He designed education.  He designed teaching and learning systems.  When we complete these systems we honor God.  

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