Monday, March 4, 2019

Tag: Open and Closed Doors - Genesis 36-39

Genesis 39:22-23
And the keeper of the prison put Joseph in charge of all the prisoners who were in the prison. Whatever was done there, he was the one who did it. The keeper of the prison paid no attention to anything that was in Joseph's charge, because the Lord was with him. And whatever he did, the Lord made it succeed.

Tag: God Closes and Opens Doors

Joseph’s life is a great life to learn about and learn from.  Joseph is in a special person God is using to accomplish big things.  We know this by having read his story over and over.   We know this - but Joseph does not know it.   He is living his life one day at a time and has to make decisions based upon the knowledge he has on each of those days.  His data points, so far, have not all been pleasant.  His brother thought to kill him, but instead sold him into slavery.  Potiphar, the man in charge of the very prison he is not confined in, trusted him with his household goods, but Potiphar’s wife was a temptress and wanted Joseph.  It would be odd for Joseph to not have some misgivings about God and question God’s actions in his life.  But, we never read anything about that.   The Spirit of God never gives us any clue that Joesph was angry at God.  What we do see, is that God’s hand was on Joesph.  Joseph may not have known what God was doing, but Joseph had a dream that God gave him and he knew that God would bless his life.   He didn’t know when God would, but only that God would.   In the above verses we read Joseph phone favor with the “keeper” of the prison (who must have worked under Potiphar ... the Captain of the guard).   God made sure Joseph had no favor with his brother (to get him to Egypt); no favor with Potipher’s wife (to get him in prison); but, with favor with the keeper of the prison in order to get him, eventually, in front of Pharaoh.   God closed a couple of doors in order to open a couple of more.   That is how God works.   We don’t know the whole story until it is done.  But, our job is to look for doors to open and close and either stand or walk.  It is up to us to simply walk or stand ... in faith to God’s work. 

See Note on Genesis 39:1

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