Monday, February 25, 2019

Tag: God Makes Something Out of Nothing - Genesis 32-35

Genesis 32:10
I am not worthy of the least of all the deeds of steadfast love and all the faithfulness that you have shown to your servant, for with only my staff I crossed this Jordan, and now I have become two camps.

Tag;  God Makes Something Out of Nothing

I can relate to Jacob’s prayer, above.   Jacob was a no body and nothing.  He traveled to another land because he (and, his mother, Rebekah) thought his brother was going to kill him (because Jacob stole both Esau’s birthright and blessing).   He left Rebekah to go to her brother, Laban.   Laban was a cheat and a thief.    Yet, God intervened in many ways to give Jacob a bounty of goods and family.   Jacob was blessed, despite his behaviors, condition and righteousness.  It was God who made him both righteous and blessed.  We are not always guaranteed both righteousness and blessing.   We tend to think so, however.  We think since God saves us, He will, in turn, gives us bounty and blessing.   Yet, that is not a promise in God’s Word.  It is a promise that those who come to Christ will be blessed.  But, we tend to the think of the blessing as material goods.   The Apostles are a great example of being declared righteous but not necessarily materially blessed.   Job is certainly an example of this truth.   When we think of Jeremiah we see the same truth. Here was a man who was certainly blessed and was tossed into a pit for his beliefs.   During the Reformation there are many practical examples of men and women who were tortured for their faith.  Material blessing does not always follow spiritual favor.  But, when it does, we need to realize it is God who gave it to us, not our degree, our work performance, our heritage, or our ingenuity.   God can give favor in many ways.  He does not have to.  When he does, be like Jacob and give thanks.  

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