Thursday, January 31, 2019

Tag: God is Big!!! Job 11

Job 11:7-9
“Can you find out the deep things of God?
Can you find out the limit of the Almighty?
It is higher than heaven—what can you do?
Deeper than Sheol—what can you know?
Its measure is longer than the earth
and broader than the sea.

Tag:  God is Big!!

What would it be like to have a God you perfectly understood?  What would a God you could perfectly understand and comprehend look like?  If you could “fit” a God you could perfectly understand into a human mind, what could a God like that actually do for you? Could a God that was small enough to be completely understood by the finite mind of man be able to do infinite things?   

This is the problem with human nature.  We want to bring God down from heaven to fit into our heads and our hearts, so that we can “know” Him the way we think He should be.  However, that is a very small God.   The truth is, as Job’s friend pointed out in the above verses, is that God is so big, His “measure is longer than the earth and broader than the sea.”   However, that phrase alone attempts to put God into a framework man can understand.   Zophar, Job’s friend, was trying to tell Job that God was BIG!!  That is the point he is making.   

Yet, Zophar, himself, did not take his own description of God.   In his response to Job’s suffering he had reduced God to a mean power that most certainly was crushing Job because of his sin.  Zophar had no room in his mind for the God of the book of Job ... many of us don’t.  How could a righteous God allow someone to suffer as Job had and was suffering?  On top of all this, God, Himself, told us in chapter one of the book that Job was a “righteous” man.  God is allowing a righteous man to suffer to prove a point to Satan himself (and to teach us about God).   Zophar is telling Job that God is so big you can’t understand Him.  But, in the same breath, telling Job there is only one explanation for his suffering .... his own sin.  

We have to come to the point to know that God is bigger than we are, or then our human minds can comprehend.  We have to, by faith, trust that a God that big is also able to do what He wants, the way He wants, without violating His own character and His own Word.   By Faith we believe that God is the God that His Word tells us and that we an rejoice in that God and rest in assurance that His size is matched by His justice and grace.   His Word says that it is.  By faith, we believe that!!

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