Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Tag: God Fulfills Our Desires AS We Fear Him - Psalm 143-145

Psalms 145:19
He fulfills the desire of those who fear him;
he also hears their cry and saves them.

Tag:  God Fulfills Our Desires AS We Fear Him

It would be very easy and joyful to read the above verse as follows:

“He fulfills our desires and hears our cry and saves us.”

Perhaps, this is how most people read the verse.   But, the verse actually says that God fulfills the “desires” of those “who fear him.”   The point the writer is making is that when we “fear him” we want what He wants; when we want what He wants we can be guaranteed that He will give it to us; because that is what He, too, wants for us.  This is not a verse that is telling us to come to God like He is some cosmic fairy that grants wishes.   This verse is telling us that as we bend our desires in the context of fearing God and giving Him the Awe and Glory and Praise and Control He deserves, we an be assured God will grant our desires.  When our desires align with God’s wishes we can know He will grant them.   What does God wish for us? 

1 Thessalonians 4:3
For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality;

That is just one verse that tells us what God desires ... our “sanctification.”   That means His will is that we are “holy” before Him.  We are not living in sin but living in a way that reflects His character. 

Here is another “will of God:”

1 Thessalonians 5:18
give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Being holy and being “thankful” is the will of God.   So, if we just desired these two things, we can be assured God will give them to us.   If we desire to live a holy life and thankful life, God will answer those prayers and grant us the desire of our hearts.   There are many more “will of God” areas we can look at.  He does not keep them in secret.  The point is the above verse in Psalm is teaching us that as we desire what God desires for us (to fear Him) we can be assured God will grant that desire in our heart ... that we wish to fear Him and honor Him and glorify Him.  

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