Saturday, June 2, 2018

Tag: Today’s Believer Has it Better than John the Baptist - Luke 7-8

Luke 7:28
I tell you, among those born of women none is greater than John. Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.”

Tag: Today’s Believer Has it Better than John the Baptist. 

To understand the above “tag” we have to put hat Christ is saying.   In the nation of Israel Abraham, Moses and David are BIG deals.   God’s love for the nation was demonstrated in how He guided the nation via these three men.  Elijah was a BIG deal.   He and Moses will return some day according to the Revelation of John.   But, when it comes to the New Testament, outside of Christ, Himself, John the Baptist it a BIG deal.   Christ is making a great statement when He says, “... among those born of women none is greater than John.”  That is a great statement.   But then Christ comes with, “Yet ...”!!   John the Baptist was a “forerunner” of Christ.  Like the prophets in the Old Testament, John longed to see Christ.  However, the least in the Kingdom of God (that could be me or you), is greater than John.  Not greater in faith, but greater in the knowledge of Christ.  We have that knowledge of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.   Outside of our glorification when we join Christ in heaven, there is nothing more than our experience in faith in Christ.  Our view of Christ, today, is greater than the view the Abraham, Moses, David, and the prophets had.  They were looking forward to what Christ would do.  We look back, by faith, at what Christ did.  We are greater for that reason.  Not “better” and not “more important.”  We have it better. We should embrace the depth of the revelation of the mystery of Christ that God gave use.   

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