Thursday, June 7, 2018

Tag: Seek Peace - Proverbs 2-3

Proverbs 3:30 (NASBStr)
Do not contend with a man without cause,
If he has done you no harm.

I often wonder if the New Testament writers where reading portions of the Old Testament when they wrote their words to us.  In Romans 12:18 Paul tells us that as much as possible we are to live at peace with others.   Perhaps he had spent some time prior to writing those words meditating on the above proverb.   Solomon, like Paul, is telling us to make sure that we are not the ones who cause a conflict with others.   In this world, this fallen world, we will have conflict.  That is most definite.  However, that doesn't mean we should be the ones who cause the conflict.  In Romans 5:1 we read the God has restored peace with us through His Son.   When God established peace in our hearts we are given the capacity to practice peace.  In John 14:27 we are told that God is going to give us the Spirit of peace.  That enables us to practice peace with others.  In Galatians 5:20-21 we are told that the fruit of the Spirit includes peace.   God producing peace in our hearts enables us to live in peace with others and avoid conflict with others.  We are not to contend with others.   That is not the way of wisdom.   God has gone to great costs to provide us with peace with Him.  To demonstrate that peace we have with Him we can and should practice peace with others. In Matthew 5 we are told that the peace makers of this word are blessed.   Peace making is what believers should be doing.

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