Friday, February 23, 2018

Tag: He Leads the Blind - Isaiah 40-44

Isaiah 42:16
And I will lead the blind
in a way that they do not know,
in paths that they have not known
I will guide them.
I will turn the darkness before them into light,
the rough places into level ground.
These are the things I do,
and I do not forsake them.

Tag:   He Leads the Blind

Have you ever felt so much darkness in your life it wore over you like a winter coat in July?  Have you been so lost in your life that any simple door would have been valued and sought?  Being “blind” in your life as to your walk, your purpose, your future, or your place in life may be the most frightening of fears.  We often, in times of great darkness, lose our way.  We simply, “don’t know,” where we are going, where we have been or where we are.   It is fearful.  A small child lost in a department store wails for the comfort of a parent.   Not realizing the mom and/or father are right behind them or in the next aisle over they scream in the fear of loss.   They are loss and blind to where the loving arms of their parent might be.  In the above passage the prophet Isaiah is speaking to Israel.  The nations surrounding Israel are about to come down hard upon them.   They feel loss and afraid.  They are blind in life.  They are afflicted.   They are in darkness!!  They wail for relief.  What they fail to realize, watching over them in great power and strength, is the God of the universe.   Although they are blind to Him, He is not blind to them.  Although they can not see their future, He holds it in His hand.  Although they say, “I don’t know what is going to happen,” He says, “I have your plans all worked out.”    What is great about the above passage is that God says, “... I will turn their darkness into light and their rough places into level ground.”    What a blessed assurance.   What a comforting thought to embrace in faith, knowing as we stand in fear in one aisle, God is right above us and ready to sweep in and comfort us.  As we hear His voice and begin to walk toward it, the light beings to grow and the ground begins to level.   But, we have to walk by faith toward His voice.  We can stand and wail.  We must step out in faith.  Peter did so in the boat.   Jesus called to him.  He actually walked on water because he stepped out in faith by listening and obeying and walking toward Christ’s voice.   Yes, he began to sink when he took his eyes off His Savior and stopped listening by faith to the Word of Christ and started to consider with the eyes of his flesh the storm, wind, rain and water around him.   He began to sink into darkness because he considered the circumstances of life more powerful than the Words of God.   Darkness is turned to light and rough road is turned to level ground by stepping forward in faith and allowing our life to follow His voice and not being held in fear by the circumstances of life.  Note how the above verse ends ... as if what He said was not enough:

These are the things I do,
and I do not forsake them.

By faith we walk forward, into the dark, knowing God will do what He says!!! 

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