Monday, February 5, 2018

Tag: The God of Eternity - Genesis 20-23

Genesis 21:31-34
Therefore that place was called Beersheba, because there both of them swore an oath. So they made a covenant at Beersheba. Then Abimelech and Phicol the commander of his army rose up and returned to the land of the Philistines. Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba and called there on the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God. And Abraham sojourned many days in the land of the Philistines.

Tag:  We Worship, The God of Eternity 

In the above passage we see the treaty between Abraham and the kings of the land: Abimelech and. Phicol.   These two kings ruled the land.  But, they did not realize that God had already promised the land to Abraham.   To them, this treaty over a well (named Beersheba) was to establish peace and maintain some order in their kingdom.  They had come to recognize that Abraham was a powerful representative of God (see chapter 20).   Here they negotiate with Abraham over a well HE DUG!.  After receiving some livestock for the well, they depart, thinking they must have FINALLY gotten one over on Abraham.  Yet, Abraham calls upon that name of God at the well: He calls on - God of Eternity (El Olam).   This is an important name for God as it shows that God is eternal.   God, years ago, promised Abraham the land.  This was finally a permanent place for him to dwell (now that he had water from the well).  God had looked down the lens of Eternity to tell Abraham he would be the father of many people.   This is not a short term relationship with God.  By calling on El Olam, Abraham was recognizing that God had fulfilled His promises to him and He could, for eternity.   All men must come to understand they lives in light of eternity.  By Abraham calling God, El Olam, he was recognizing that God is an eternal God and that God’s plan is for eternity.  Abimelch and Phicol were laughing over a well, that was just dirt and water.   Abraham was focused on eternity.  The world looks at a well and believers look at it through the lens of eternity.   Our lives are in light of eternity.   

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