Sunday, December 24, 2017

Tag: Our Testimony Rejoices Others - 3 John

3 John 1:3
For I rejoiced greatly when the brothers came and testified to your truth, as indeed you are walking in the truth.

Tag:  Our Testimony for Christ and Rejoice the Church

John is writing a letter to a man in the church named, Gaius.  Gaius could have hosted a church in his home (a common place for churches to start), or was simply a predominate member of the church.  He very well could have been an elder in the church, but it would seem that John would address him as such, if that were true.  It certainly appears that Gaius as the type o person John wanted to reward.   During these days those carrying messages of encouragement, instruction and doctrine would travel from Church to Church.   Gaius was one of those who took upon the responsibility of refreshing these ministers and sending them on their way.   Later in his little letter, John points out another person in this church named, Diotrephes, who did NOT do this.   John is excited about Gaius’ work in the Lord.   He states, “For I rejoice greatly ...”.    Our walk with Christ should glorify the Father and should rejoice the Saints.   Gaius did not do his work to get the praise of men, if he had, John no doubt would not be able to add the last line of this verse:  “... as indeed you are walking in truth.”    Since Gaius was “walking in truth” we know his work in the Body was pure and true.   When we do things for God’s glory and the edification of the Body then we rejoice others in Christ.   This is what the Church should look like.  We should rejoice in the service of others.  We should let them know.  John took time to write this letter to let Gaius know that he had been told about the work the man was doing for the Gospel.   Telling others their walk in Christ rejoices you is an important aspect of the Body of Christ.  

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