Sunday, September 3, 2017

Tag: Leadership and Mentorship - 2 Timothy 1-2

2 Timothy 2:1-2
You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

Tag: Leadership and Mentorship 

A good servant of God has the mind to be a servant who produced more servants of God.   Duplication is a principle and paradigm of Gods plan.   Moses duplicated himself into Joshua.   Paul duplicated himself into Timothy.  Paul wants Timothy to duplicated himself into others.   Jesus duplicated Himself into His disciples.   That is the plan of God's for the spread of Christianity.  Look how it work; or, is working!!   The world calls it mentorship.   The problem with the world's approach, however, is a watered down product.  Men or duplicating "themselves" rather than duplicating Christ.   When we ask people who do they most want to be like the answers run along family lines, business models, military lines and/or political leaders.  The Christian world view is that we, too, should be doing some mentoring, but it is called "discipleship" and that is what Timothy is charged to do.  He is not charged to build a church with big numbers, large bell towers, or one with political clout.  He is changed with making disciples after the pattern of Christ.   We can get so caught up in the world's system and then we have some model or pattern to follow they have "perfected."  Yet, Paul gives Timothy the only pattern he needs to follow:  Make more Christ-like people.  

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