Friday, February 24, 2017

Tag: Our purpose in life - Isaiah 40-44

Isaiah 43:7
everyone who is called by my name,
whom I created for my glory,
whom I formed and made.”

Tag:  Our Purpose

Why we are here?   What reason do we have for our existence.  The average life span is predicted at just under 80 years.  What are we to do with them?   In the above passage Isaiah has been writing about the people of Israel.  he is telling them in this chapter of the greatness of God and of His great care for them.  He has "redeemed" them out of Egypt.  He literally has killed other men and women to simply bring them into a place of pleasure for them.  They have high value.   In the above passage we have the reason God created them ... and us!!  God has created us for HIS glory.  We are not created to bring glory to ourselves.  We are created to bring glory to God.   He is glorified in me when I have put everything else under Him.   My greatest passion should be Him, for this reason I was created.   I can not find perfect harmony and great peace unless I first realize that my reason for existence is not to based upon my own pleasures, desires and needs.  My reason for existence is for His glory.  When I have that in the forefront of my mind, goodness and mercy will follow me (Psalm 23).

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