Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Subject: The Authority of Christ - Psalm 1-2

Psalms 2:7
I will tell of the decree:
The Lord said to me, “You are my Son;
today I have begotten you.

Subject: The Authority of Christ

The above verse is quoted 10 times in the N.T.  In the context of this chapter the verse is the response to the kings of the earth who "plot vain things" against Yahweh and those who have faith in Yahweh.   The leaders of the world would like to eradicate those who have faith in God, hoping by doing so they will eradicate Yahweh themselves.   They wish to establish themselves and their kingdoms in ultimate rule and power.   Yet, God will "laugh" it says.   God is amused by their quest for power.   Perhaps a great example of this is the Tower of Babel in Genesis 10.   The peoples of the world came together to build a tower to reach God, assuming to take reigns of the universe.  God simple caused their tongues to speak different languages and it dispersed them throughout the world.   God must have laughed at that moment when they could not talk to each other.   God does not simply laugh, however.  He offers a King and Savior.   God offers to them a real King, full of authority and related to God.  It would be His Son.   The Son would have full authority over all nations, tribes and tongues.   The nations of the world attempt to control the world and accumulate power over it.  God sent His Son to save the world and rescue the world from that hunger and desire for power.  

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