Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Subject: God is my Defender - Psalm 140-142

Psalms 141:8-10
But my eyes are toward you, O God, my Lord;
in you I seek refuge; leave me not defenseless!
Keep me from the trap that they have laid for me
and from the snares of evildoers!
Let the wicked fall into their own nets,
while I pass by safely.

Subject:  God is my defender

In Psalm 140-142 we have prayers of David probably spoken when he was in the caves running from King Saul.  David does not want to take matters into his own hands.  He wants to make sure he puts his complete trust in God.   Saul and others were out to get him.  He had several chances to exact his own vengeance and revenge.  But, he doesn't - instead he puts his trust in God to be his keeper, his sustainer and his defender.   This is not a normal way of doing things in our society.  We are taught at an early age to get the upper hand on others.  We are taught to take our shots when we have the chance to take our shots.   We are taught to fight and not have flight.   Yet, David gives us the answer, even for our society today.   Put your trust in God and allow Him to fight your battles.  He is the Righteous Judge, we are not.  

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