Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Subject: Blessings of God - Psalm 128-130

Psalms 128:1 (ESV Strong's)
Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord,
who walks in his ways!

Subject:  Blessings from God

This is one of the psalms the nation of Israel would sing when they were, as a group, making their way to Jerusalem for the Passover, or Pentecost, etc.   This is a song they would sing during that long walk.   It begins by affirming to God that blessings from God only flow from those who know God and revere Him.   God does not shower blessings without some discrimination.   True, God does have common grace He gives to all.   Jesus told us this while He taught on the earth:

Matthew 5:45 (ESV Strong's)
so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

But, the blessings we see in this Psalm are for those who "fear the Lord."     In verse two we see the blessing of fruit from our labor.   To some this might sound like money.   Perhaps it is.  If what God is saying is that we will earn a living from our labor when we fear the Lord, many might say that their are many who earn a living from their labor and DON'T fear the Lord.   The key here is that when God gives us the earnings they don't come with pain and difficulty (Note what Solomon tells us about much money in the book of Ecclesiastes.)  When God gives blessing (money or other fruit from our labor) it doesn't come with stress.   In verse three we read the blessing is on the family.  The man who fears the Lord will have a fruitful wife (children or labor or character) and children who are like "olive shoots around your table."   This means they are children who are productive and provide blessing and not cursing.   In verse five we are told our worship will be blessed when we fear God.  In verse six it tells us that our legacy will be blessed when we fear God.   We will see our children's children.    This is a true blessing.   Fear the Lord ... it comes with blessing.

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