Monday, September 19, 2016

Subject: Leadership Transition Plan - Numbers 25-28

Numbers 27:15-17 (ESV Strong's)
Moses spoke to the Lord, saying, “Let the Lord, the God of the spirits of all flesh, appoint a man over the congregation who shall go out before them and come in before them, who shall lead them out and bring them in, that the congregation of the Lord may not be as sheep that have no shepherd.”

Subject:  Leadership Transition Plan

Moses is about to die.  He has led this group of rebellious people for almost 40 years by now.   He, himself, will lose his blessing of entering the promise land due to his own rebellion.   God has held him and the people accountable for their sin.   Now, Moses wants to make sure this new generation of believers does not follow in the footsteps of their fathers.   He asks God that the next leader can be established.   God agrees and Joshua is selected.  It should be noted that Joshua is a member of the older generation.   He was faithful in the issue of the 12 spies and God choose him to be the leader.  The key here is the Moses did not want the people to be without leadership, or for the leadership transition to be haphazard.   This was a strategic move.  Despite having faith in the sovereignty of God, Moses still thought it best to select a leader prior to his death.  Prudence and planning are not shipwrecked by faith.  Faith actually fosters prudence and planning.   God has giving us wisdom through our faith to make sure we plan and secure good leadership.   Instead of just saying, "let's just trust God," Moses made sure that the trusting of God was before his death, with plans and structure.  

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